Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Rabbit Hole Ramblings - Psychic Body Shakes and Head Aches?


Involuntary Body Shakes

I've run into Involuntary Body Shakes, many times. I have found over the years being a Medium/Channel and talking to many people this appears to bet a commonality among Psychics . It used to happen to me a lot but now it happens rarely. This is what I do and it may be helpfull for you too: When the shakes begin or when I become aware that they are coming then I allow the energy to flow up threw my body. It usually starts at the hips and moves upwards. I allow the energy to rise up to my heart, and as that is happening I extend my hands(with palms up) out and let the immense amount of energy flow through my palms and out into the atmosphere. It's very effective, give it a go and I would be very interested on how it works for you. And also my Native Elder Aunty Nora friend said to me, "If you don't do your Medicine it make you sick." You may also want to do more Psychic Work with people.

Hear are some other knowledgeable peoples ideas and helpful hints around this subject:

Ascension Symptoms: changes in mind, body and spirit

Starved Rock SunlightOver the next few articles we’ll explore:
– Basic Ascension Symptoms
– Accelerated Ascension symptoms
– Levels of the process and what to expect
– What you can do to lessen the severity of symptoms
– Lightworker issues and how to assist through the Shift

The Ascension process is the union of our higher and lower levels: the soul, spirit and body becoming one. For many, this means you are changing your cellular structure to accommodate a higher frequency within the physical body. I say for many because the Ascension process is unique to each individual. Your higher self has chosen how you will attain this integration of higher and lower levels. I’ll address those choices in another post. For now, let’s focus on symptoms and the confusion over these mystery aches and pains.

Dimensions are based on frequency;  the higher the frequency, the higher the dimensional level. As the Earth changes frequency during the Shift, the physical beings which live on her surface must vibrate at the same frequency in order to exist (or survive). Since the Earth is raising her vibrational rate, so must we. It’s a cooperative effort, but for simplicity’s sake, let’s just talk frequency.

Only crystalline substances can exist in the higher dimensions, or faster vibrations.  Crystalline structures vibrate at a higher (faster) frequency than carbon. HUmans are evolving; we are changing from a carbon-based structure to a crystalline structure.

This crystalline state is becoming embodied by our physical selves. This is the return of the Christ, a.k.a. Cryst,  Christ consciousness, or crystalline crystalline consciousness that everyone has been talking about. The return of the Christ is the return of the divine HU-man (God-man). It’s you, it’s happening within you, with the support of the universe and many cosmic factors, and it’s a beautiful process.

This is a return to our original structure, a crystalline consciousness, with the added evolutionary step of embodying the crystalline structure within the physical vehicle. It has never been done before, and the change in frequency carries a lot of challenges.

All life forms on Earth are becoming crystalline. We have a big acceleration happening right now as we cross the galactic dark rift. This affects everything we know. Ocean, plant and animal kingdoms are evolving; we are all moving into a new state of being. Paths to this higher frequency are abundant, and if you’re aware of the symptoms, you can assist your own process as well as that of others.

Basic Ascension symptoms

Basic symptoms often reflect Kundalini symptoms, or the rise of crystalline life force within the body. These are adjustments; energetic adjustments to integrate the new frequency. You do not have to be aware of the Ascension process at all in order to experience these symptoms. Many mystery ailments go mis-diagnosed or medicated into suppression (which typically causes disharmony in another area; that energy has to go somewhere).

As always, check with a doctor or healer if you cannot confirm symptoms with your higher levels just yet. Ask someone you trust if you feel they are causing you any physical harm or any conditions you are not comfortable with. For many, these basic symptoms are a wake-up call when the doctors can’t find a cause. If you’re someone Googling for answers, I extend a warm welcome to you.

These basic symptoms are early signals of the Ascension process. You might blast through them in a few months, they may linger and pop up on occasion for a while. It is unique to everyone, so don’t feel you’re at a “beginner level” because you’re in the basic category. It’s not a race, there is no enlightenment triathlon to win. Remember these are big energetic and physical adjustments happening in your body.

Basic symptoms:

  • Changing sleep patterns: restlessness, night sweats, waking up two or three times a night.
  • Feeling tired after you wake up and sleepy during the day
  • The 3am club: waking up between 3am – 4am and staying awake, getting by on less sleep
  • Periods of overwhelming fatigue (some misdiagnosed as CFS)
  • Change in eating habits: strange cravings, occasional increase or decrease in appetite, new allergies to certain foods
  • Blurred or foggy vision, seeing shimmering objects, glittery particles, flashes of light
  • Hearing: audio dyslexia, hearing strange voices
  • Ascension tinnitus: ringing in the ears: not the “someone’s talking about me” ring. White noise with beeps, tones, music or electronic patterns
  • Vibrational Flu: high temperatures, night sweats, aching bones and joints neck pains, flu-like symptoms
  • Occasional sinus issues: sneeze attacks, runny nose or sore throat that is not a cold or allergy
  • Mental confusion: difficulty concentrating
  • Itching, vibrating, prickling, tingling, stinging or crawling sensations
  • Energy rushes or sensations of electricity circulating the body
  • Involuntary bodily movements: muscle spasms, jerking, tremors, shaking; feeling an inner force pushing one’s body around (this is often misdiagnosed)
  • Feeling the whole body vibrate: similar to earthquake sensations, especially at night or in a relaxed state
  • Headaches, pressure in the skull
  • Numbness or pain in the limbs: sometimes diagnosed as fibromalgia, MS, Lupus
  • Loss of muscular power in hands, caused by changes in circulation system
  • Pains and blockages: often in the back and neck
  • Heart palpitations and fluttering: opening of the heart chakra, clearings
  • High heart flutters: high center of chest flutters are the opening of the high heart chakra
  • Enhanced senses of smell, touch, and/or taste.
  • Occasional breathing difficulties: bronchitis in severe cases
  • Immune and Lymphatic system changes: glandular flare-ups
  • Digestive system changes
  • Depression for no reason: feelings of loss or isolation
  • Tension, anxiety or stress: sensing something is going on
  • Dizziness: losing balance, feeling like your body is swirling
  • Vivid dreams, violent or dramatic dreams. ET dreams
  • Emotional outbursts or mood swings
  • Weight gain, typically around the belly (Buddha belly)

This is an overview of basic symptoms that have been collected over the last decade. You don’t have to have all of these symptoms in order to sense the Ascension process. There are many environmental, lifestyle, spiritual and DNA factors involved in how and why people experience the process. For some, the symptoms are a sign of progress; for others, these symptoms are a burden. It completely depends upon the journey you desire.


Symptoms of Awakening Your Prana 

Prana is Sanskrit word for vital energy - life-sustaining force of living beings. Pranic movements are intense energy movements of prana throughout the body that helps clear our physiological blocks. 

  • Throbbing of mooladhar Chakra begins (at the base of spine)
  • Energy rushes or immense electricity circulating the body
  • Seeker may experience intense involuntary, jerking movements of the body, including shaking, vibrations, spasm and contraction.
  • The whole body shakes, involuntary kumbhak (filling in of the lungs with air) starts beyond control, breath is forcibly exhaled out.
  • Deep inhaling and exhaling of breath starts and the body gets uncontrollable.
  • Intense heat or cold.
  • Involuntary bodily movements (occur more often during meditation or resting periods): jerking, tremors, shaking; feeling an inner force pushing one into postures or moving one's body in unusual ways

Kundalini awakening often generates unusual physiological activity as intense movement of energy releases toxins in the body. Symptoms include

  • Bouts of extreme hyperactivity or, conversely, overwhelming fatigue
  • Digestive system problems (which is ultimately directed towards resolving the innermost imbalances)
  • Intensified or diminished sexual desires.
  • Apparent heart problems, pains in head and spine.
  • Spontaneous vocalizations including laughing, screaming, weeping and hiccoughs

Head Aches 
(From Psychic Intensity) 

I've suffered through this for over the past 40 years and am still learning how to run the energy through my body. I want to help people but don't want to be laid up in bed and having to sleep because of Psychic Headaches! Arrrgh! I don't know about you but it can be totally disabilitating. So I thought as I learn to improve I thought hey, maybe there are other folks with the same problems.  


Discover How To Cope With Psychic Headaches
by Laurie Barraco

Is it possible that some of the headaches you have been experiencing are psychic headaches due to an overstimulation of energy rather than a "regular" headache? In fact, some of your headaches may be caused by your environment, the people around you, or you may be overdoing it with your psychic development studies.

A psychic headache usually is felt in the third eye area, which is just above the eyes in the middle of your forehead. It may even affect your vision causing your vision to be blurry or your eyes to feel heavy or achy. You may even have sensitivity to sunlight, bright lights or you may experience an ongoing throbbing sensation in your head.


Is it possible that some of the headaches you have been experiencing are psychic headaches due to an overstimulation of energy rather than a "regular" headache? In fact, some of your headaches may be caused by your environment, the people around you, or you may be overdoing it with your psychic development studies.

A psychic headache usually is felt in the third eye area, which is just above the eyes in the middle of your forehead. It may even affect your vision causing your vision to be blurry or your eyes to feel heavy or achy. You may even have sensitivity to sunlight, bright lights or you may experience an ongoing throbbing sensation in your head. 

Possible Causes of a Psychic Headache
  1. A download of energy moving through your body
  2. Overstimulating the third eye through psychic development exercises
  3. Spending too much time around electronics such as: computers and or cell phones
  4. Overdoing it with your psychic work: readings, energy healings etc.

Energy overload from peers, family members, co-workers or even your spouse can be energetically draining

  • Keep a himalayan salt lamp nearby
  • Ground the energy into the ground either through a visualizing the energy moving through your entire body into the earth or spend time outside in nature
  • Cover your third eye with a bindi, bangs, a hat or even a bandana
  • Rub and essential oil on your forehead such as: Peppermint, Lavender, Rosemary, Eucalyptus or Roman Chamomile
  • Schedule a Reiki or Energy Treatment Session 
  • Keep an eye on the sodium content in your foods
  • Drink lots of water

If we are able to pinpoint how, when, where and why we are experiencing psychic headaches, we can most certainly work on preventing them from occurring. Keeping a journal or making mental notes as to when these headaches flare up will help you avoid 95% of these headaches.

Duende Naddred (c) 2020

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Rabbit Hole Ramblings - Are the Elderly Crazy, or Psychic?

Are The Elderly Suffering From Dementia or Are They Having Psychic Experiences? 

This is a real time recounting of the my Mothers other world encounters of the spirit world:

My Mother, is an amazing wonderful 89 year old British lady who has been my worlds greatest supporter (well both my parents have been but my Dad passed away 13 years ago). 

She was born in Sheffield England and immigrated to Canada in 1945. Everyone who knows her loves her, she's that type of person. I used to come home and find 2 strangers sitting at the table with accents (mostly) that she met at work and invited them over for dinner (both my parents did this). Anyone who came to visit would get fresh scones and tea or coffee.

The only time she'd ever been to hospital was for a heart condition in January of 2020.  She is of sound mind and has an incredible vibrant spirit! 

Always a believer of Fairy's and elf and the great mysteries of life. She is just an amazing soul who has never thought of herself as Psychic, until lately. Haha, I've been telling her for years that she is but she just kept pushing it away. Until recently and then POW everything changed. 

*She is of sound mind and very much grounded in this world. Her main focus has always been with her and everyone's children. Family is the pinnacle goal of her life. I checked on her medication and the experiences are not a result of the heart meds. All and all she is an extremely down to earth person. 

The first encounter she had, (I feel honored to listen and assist her as she has helped me my whole life) was a 3 hour awake vision (that's what we are calling them to help the rest of my family) were she laid in her bed and watch people in a office talk to each other and file papers. It was an office somewhere in the downtown core. 3 hours people, can you believe it. The most my awake visions last, tops, is 5 seconds the max. She was very confused and frightened and wanted it to all go away. She didn't say a word to any of her 3 visitors.  I tried to explain that just because you are uncomfortable about what was going on, doesn't mean that it was a negative experience, it was just the spirit world and its not always what you want or nice and fluffy in a Disney sort of way. 

Well then it got even more busy, I suspect she has had over 50 encounters with Adults and children, fairies, and these three East Indian Women all showing up for 30minutes and then going. This is so rare, and I would know because I've lived with it my whole life.

Mom: I don't like it and I want them to go away.

Me: Mom, it doesn't work that way, the best we can do is manage it.

Mom: Well I don't care I don't want it. 

Me: I've tried that in the beginning but I can assure you it doesn't work.

She was visiting my sister, a 5 hour drive from us. She was there 2 weeks and then had an encounter while my sister was out. Mom phoned me right away. 

Mom: Dear I had another "Awake Vision", how did they find me?

Me; Oh Mom, were you hoping that they wouldn't know where you were?

Mom: Yes!

Me: Oh I'm sorry Mom, I've tried that and moved 45 times in my life and they always, always, always find me. I could have told you earlier but it doesn't work. 

Awwww I was feeling for her because I know how overwhelming it all is because I've lived it. 

Mom: Is this how it is for you?

Me: Yep....mostly, yes.

Mom: How do you cope?

Me: At the age of 30 I began to manage it. Just like I'm helping you to now.

Mom: Oh dear, I'm so sorry. It must be terrible and so hard for you?

Me: Well its hard Mom but not as terrible as you may think, they're some really good bits. I laughed.

When she got home (she lives under my sister, in the basement suite) I started to set up a protection circle (of tummith and stones around the whole house: I explain this on one of my other posts, and a bowl of water and three under her bed. And while doing this I set the tywining up, to heal anything or anyone from any world, spirit or other wise as soon as they cross the circle. Its very effective.) And that seemed to help a wee bit. 

Mom then add continual visits from these 3 East Indian Women who did a number of things: One of them sprinkled her hands with gold, another on another occasion brought her with Orchids, another time is was white lily's, another time it was a bundle of sticks. She told them she didn't want any sticks and could they just please leave them on the kitchen table. I asked her what type of sticks where they? And she said that they were "Hawthorne Sticks". Then another occasion one of them was throwing small berries at her head! And it drove her nuts cause the East Indian Women was a good shot and they kept hitting the middle of her forehead. Hears the outrageous extraordinary thing, she could feel them hitting her head and it woke her up!

Me: They hit your head?

Mom: Yes.

Me: And you could feel them!?

Mom: Yes, I was very mad, I mean I was in a deep sleep and she woke me up! (She has trouble sleeping as most elderly do).

Me: For how long Mom, did she do this?

Mom: I'm not sure....maybe 5minutes.

Me: 5 Minutes WTF Mom, 5 minutes, wow that unheard of, and you felt them? What type of berries where they?

Mom: Oh, hmmmmmm....Hawthorne Berries. 

I googled Hawthorne Berries and there Medicine Properties and guess what....they are to help with the heart. This is absolutely unbelievable and amazing all at once.  And if you remember Mom has a heart condition. So I picked up some Hawthorne Tea cause if a spirit is going to do all that....LISTEN and ACT on the information, or they'll sooner or later it'll get more intense until you do LISTEN. 

Now here is more wildness:

I've have inherited a really bad case of sleep apnea where my breathing stops over 500 times in the night. I have a sleep apnea machine which helps me to sleep way better (you look like some sort of alien and sound like Darth Vader but get one, its well worth it) but this one night I'd fallen asleep without putting it on and if I do this its very very dangerous for me. I stop breathing and wake up with my heart pounding out of my chest. Not good, Right!? Well I musta been asleep for an hour when I felt something hitting my head. I thought to myself, "WTF is this? What keeps hitting my head?" And in my sleeping waking have dazed self I realized it was.....Hawthorne Berries being chucked at my head by one of Mom's East Indian lady's!!! Holy shit!! I' was totally gob smacked! I've helped sooooo many people over the years and its very very rare, if almost non existent that someone else's spirits come and cross over into my worlds (this was not a dream but a waking vision). I woke up the next morning and started google searching Hawthorne and its Medicinal Properties are for supporting the heart and circulation. Plus the Hawthorne tree is also Fairy Magic World related too and if you get sprigs of the tree or small branches from it, she will help heal broken hearts energetically. I instantly started searching and asking around  to see where I would find a tree, it is then that I looked out of my window of my wee house and saw (to my utter amazement) a Hawthorne Berry tree. LOL!! 2 feet from my window. Hello! I also found two more in my yard! I cut a bunch down for me and my Mom and took them to her. She was thrilled. 

I continued working with my Mom and started helping her with her fear of the spirit world. I kept telling her that, life the universe and everything relied on the "3 C's": Curiosity, Communication and Conversation. Always have the Curiosity of a child, never stop asking questions (no matter who you are talking to) and I mean everything and everyone: Angels, bugs, spiders, trees, spirits, aliens...I mean everything. There's no boundaries  to who you can talk to. Its like we as Psychic's have a translator in our head and it will translate, animal, insect, alien, rocks, trees, water, wind, spirits into whatever language you speak. The next is engage everyone and everything in commutating into a conversation. Then and only then will you normalize your experience with Magic into all the other worlds (which are too many to count).

I started to realize that in all my Mom's encounters there was very few people/spirits that were showing up in old past clothing, it was all modern and of this world. I'd ask her to describe them in detail ie: color of skin, where they were from, what they were wearing and how old they happened to be? I was trying to get her to pay attention to details which is what we subconsciously do on this plan which we call reality. Mom was generalizing what she saw ie:

Me: What did they look like?

Mom: They're three women.

Me: Yep I got that but were are they from?

Mom: Oh my dear you are right, they are three East Indian Women.

Me; Tall or Small? 

In the other worlds really Tall People are Ancients that walk on earth along time ago. Small people, like under 4 ft are usually part of the wee folks. 

Mom: There are all my height.

Me: What were they wearing.

Mom: Clothes.

Me: I know Mom but what type? 

Mom: Oh traditional dress.

Me: From western or East Indian Cultures? 

This pin points there traditional back ground and 9xs out of 10 were they've come from. And what a person or spirit wears is signature to who they are. It will tell you a lot about who's visiting.

Mom: Oh I see what you mean, its traditional, they are all wearing colorful saris. 

Me: Now why don't you ask them questions. 

Mom: Oh dear, I wouldn't want to bother them.

LOL I love her, but this reaction is more (out of my experience with helping so many people) fear of the answer than anything else. We found out that came to support her because she has supported so many people and children in her life. 

Over the course of 6 months my Mom has gone from thinking she's crazy to communicating with more curious conversations. The incidents of spirit phenomena has slowed down and she is calmer with what's going on. 

So many people have so many half baked ideas about what was going on with her because most of the general publics information about the spirit world is based on what they've seen on the internet, tv, or books and most of that is so lacking on what actually in happening. 

Over the course of helping my Mom I've learned that most of the spirits my Mom has seen may not even be dead people (expect for my farther) and they may even be alive throughout our world now, which is mind blowing I know. Its the only conclusion I can come to at this point.  It is a strong possibility and I don't have all the answers but its a new hypothesis's that I'm working on and why not, I mean who's knows were we all go when we Day Dream/Dream Walk?

Finally the key to helping my Mom is finding away to talk to the rest of our family without freaking them out. We call he other world spirit encounters   "Awake Visions" this helps everyone to accept what's happening because all my family is way more conservative than Mom and I. The important part when experiencing this type of phenomena is to tell on a close loving supportive group or one or two. 

Mom is doing well, and the visitations are still happening (fewer in number) and the family has embraced what's going on. She has achieved helping to normalize the spirit world to the rest of my family (which I have spent years in doing without little success) and my nieces and nephews are sharing there story's. Its pretty cool! And if you asked me when I was 30 if i thought this would every happen I would have said "No way!!" But it has LOL. You see even the impossible is possible.    


Duende Naddred (c)2020