I am a shaman. Oh did I say that? Now I can't be a shaman because I just announced I was a shaman and no actually, as a matter of fact, I'm not a shaman. No I'm not, of course I'm not.
I'm not the right color. Well I'm not of color, I'm white and I'm not over 75 so I am definitely not a shaman. No I'm not. No way. No.
I'm a holy man. No I can't be a holy man. I'm not a priest, or a bishop or a pope, and certainly I'm not a monk in red robes or famous. No I'm just a 50 year old white guy with a gift and no book. So I certainly couldn't be really enlightened.
"Hell no!" Oops I just said hell. So I couldn't be a shaman, or a holy man, or enlightened because all these archetypes don't swear, unless they bang there finger with a nail...and even then I bet they curse in holy gibberish.
Why do I know I'm not a shaman or a holy man? Why? Well I know I'm not a shaman or holy man because when people ask if I have trouble with money? I have to admit that "Yes I do." And then they all say "Ah to bad."
I respond with a question? "Is there a problem?" and then they answer "Well you have trouble manifesting prosperity."
"Which means?" I ask.
"Well you couldn't be enlightened if you can't manifest money."
Then I have this weird, bizarre, roundy roundy conversation in my head with myself, trying to figure out the contradiction:
The Dali Lama's people are in exile and are being tortured, and he's still enlightened but of course he has lotsa money.
The Pope is enlightened even though he belives women are subservent and gay people are not well or right or whole or a part of god. Even though appears quite of priests happen to be gay and like younger boys. The Pope doesn't have money but he's around money and wear's money but it's not his though but that doesn't matter he's the Pope and we can forgive him for that and he's still considered enlightened.
Robert Doweny Jr is a Hollywood star with tons of moo la and fame who is idolized as something special and people look to him as some sort of guru of emlightenment of money and career and manifester of his own destiny.
When I happened to point out that he maybe just maybe, a little flawed:
"Huge addiction, unable to meet responsibilities, has unhealthy relationships and has a few troubles with the law, from time to time..."
"Yes..." People answer feverishly "...but he is a brilliant actor."
Suddenly he is put on a pinnacle so high that he is within the touch of god. Maybe he is a holy man then?
But what am I? Some one who's is (in the land of psychopaths) being honest, not wanting to lie, steal or cheat (you may now, consider me tragically flawed)destined to eek out a meer existence unlike everyone else. (Well not unlike everyone, although it certainly appears unlike everyone). But I'm not enlightened because I can't manifest money. Or so they say.Them guys who are called Corporate America. Who know all about manifesting monies...bruhahaha!!(evil laugh). No I'm a nonshanonholymanifester of monies, who is living simply, has a supportive family, lives in a caring community, and I have a wonderful wife and daughter (we all love each other...really) and live on a hill, with a view (of the ocean) one and half blocks away from the beach, in paradise...a rainy paradise but a paradise none the less. Who has to say, "yes I'll admit it, I have trouble manifesting money..."
"...but not prosperity by the sounds of it."(c)
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