"Spirit of the Orca" by S. ´Silvestris´ Strand
Whale Dream
I was asleep in the dream swimming in this pool, splashing over these huge walls (four of them) that sat in the center of the pool.
It was an incredible swimming over each of the walls and it gave me a feeling of absolute freedom of spirit. I had swum over the fourth wall when the pool ended so I jumped out of that pool and walked some twenty feet and dropped into the next one beside it.
I was not a few seconds in the new pool when I got this feeling that all was not well. I thought to myself, “Oh no I have dropped into a pool that has an Orca in it and she knows I’m here!” I could feel the whale approaching, the force of all that power and so I quickly hopped out of that pool and scouted into the one from where I came. Back to my comfort zone so to speak. And at that moment felt very good and relaxed and calm until the Ocra flipped onto the deck and slid across the twenty feet that separated the two pools and plopped right into the my pool with me!
So I freaked and started swimming over the submerged walls in hopes the short cut would out run the Ocra.
I know what you might be thinking? You’re trying to out run an Ocra in a pool? Are you insane? It’s impossible.
Of course this idea doesn’t work and the Orca just rounds the walls instead of going over them and heads me off, to trap me in the corner of the pool.
I can’t even scream as I see these open jaws descend open me to devour me. I wake up with my heart beating a mile a minute, like I’m about to have a heart attack.
Some months later a girlfriend of mine is complaining about my snoring. So I apologize about how loud I was but before I could say another thing she says. “No that’s not it, although yes you do snore loud, no it’s you make these funny sounds.”
“Oh like a bear, or a rattle snake?” I asked
“Yes” she says “but there is another sound this unusual sound like you blowing sound.”
I look at her totally confused. “A what?”
And then she describes it too me and when that doesn’t work she imitates the way I did it when I was sleeping. I sounded and looked like a whale expelling air out its blow hole.
I had taken the medicine, the power of the Ocra, she devoured me and I became her. Then I realized the pattern that had been happening while I was sleeping:
1) I had been attacked by several cobalt Grizzly’s and one had scratched me and not long after that incident I began to sound like a bear when I snored. I also out of no where, like walking on the street I will suddenly make this low guttural bear sound.
2) I had been bitten by a snake in a dream and one night I woke myself up when I made a hissing sound snore.
If you are been stalked by animals in your dream do not panic it is a good thing, (although this may scared you into being fully awake) it just means that you’re about to receive medicine power of the animal that is hunting you.
My suggestion is to ask the animal or animals to be gentle, they may not know that you do not realize what’s going on or that it is scaring you.
If you are having black hounds or any other nasty bits of business hunt you, this is a completely different thing and I recommend you contacting me immediately (c)