Death, done, over, finished, final end is getting put into the ground with white little crawly bugs? I thinking...no.
From my experience it doesn't happen that way. Oh and I'm not just talking about "Life After Death," to me that's a gimme and not worth even running a debate, cause seriously they're bigger fish to fry, more interesting issues to discuss. I'm going beyond into the great mystery, the big wow.
Some would say you go to heaven, others hell, others still yet limbo this is may was my journey to the other side and back again.
I was 30 years old, I was learning how to be a channel, for the layman, a "Deep Trance Medium," for those who know the deeper parts of an old British spiritualist teachings.
I would go to my friend Loyd's house and we would sit in a circle with 5 other people. Loyd would sit in this specially design fabric cubical (this helps to contain his energies). I was at least 30 years younger than everyone else in the room.
There where all Catholic, two wonderful older retired ladies from the catholic school system, both in there nineties, a excommunicated Monk in his late sixty's another fellow in his 60's and Loyd (who I found out later was the leading Spiritualist Medium in Ontario) who was in his seventies. All incredible caring supportive people.
I szt in this circle (some would call it a seance)every Friday night for a year, learning. This story is about life after death, without dieing, but if I chose to leave that night and not come back I would have die.
The room is pitch black, you cannot see your hand in front of your face and we sat side by side within a foot of each other. Also please keep in mind that I am very respectful of Elders (very respectful) and I would not ever swear in the presences of the Elderly, it's not in my nature. I'd feel horrible if I did that. I say this because its makes (for me) this story more authentic. I leave everything in the story the way it happened. Nothing has been edited out.
The Journey begins with Loyd talking to one of the entities (Dema - Irsh approx 6oo years old in our linear way of thinking) that comes through me to talk. All my Spirit Friends (Guides) call me the little one (Just so you don't get confused about who Dema is referring too. Loyd is talking to Dema in the beginning then Dema leaves and I come back into my body.
" Were did you say you where Dema?" The clouds where white around his feet. Not used to being confused Dema glanced around. "At the misty place." Lloyd asked again. "We are you now Dema?" Puzzling Dema return to the room. " Oh its the little one you be wanting for this then."
Lloyd left his seat. Stood up and wandered to my side in the dark. "John?" I pause in seeing the misty place I had seen when I was nineteen. (the night with Old Mrs Thorn, my Mom, my Aunt, my Uncle) "John tell me, what do you see?" I investigated closer. It was a misty place. More like a place of waiting, in the clouds. "I see some clouds. Misty white." Lloyd was very close. His hand was near my head. I think. I could feel some warmth from his hand. He was helping. "Go there." "Okay" I said."I see a bridge all made of wood and rope. Like the old ones you might find going across great casims." It was suggested that I cross the bridge. So I did. When I got to the other side I notice people in a huge line all asleep all walking into a dark void. Being very curios I went to see what the whole thing was about. "John, we're you going?" I stopped "To the dark void of course." Lloyd prodded. "Do you see the light?" I didn't see any light what so ever. "John, turn around." I turned to be blinded by such force that my being wanted to run not walk to the nearest exit! "John, do you see it?"
"Holy shit!!!! " Lloyd paused at my description. "John what do you see?" I stood before something that took my breath away. "A light. A huge light! Holy shit, holy shit!!" "Go towards it." "No" "John, its okay, go to it." "No" "John, how do you feel?" "Scared, really, really scared." "John can you see someone their with you?" "Yes" "Where is he?" " He is standing in the light." "Go to him John." "No" "Why" "I don't think its a good idea." "Can you see his hand?" "Yes" "Go to him John. He'll take care of you...Where are you now?" "I'm close to the light" "How do you feel?" "Scared! REALLY, REALLY SCARED!!!" "Go closer" "OKay....Jesussss....oh my god, oh my god!!!!!" "John, we're you now?" "Close,close, really close...oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" "Go into the light." "No." "Is your friend going into the light?" "yes." Take his hand. Can you see his hand?" "yes...oh my god, on my godddddddddd!!!!!!!!!" "John, how do you feel?" Scared, so scared. God oh god I'm really scared." "Go deeper into the light." "Okay..." "John where are you?...John?" ...
..."Holy shit. Holy shit! Holy shit!!!! This is incredible!!!! Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit holy shit, holy shitttt!!!!!!!!!" John, how do you feel? " I feel Great!!!!!!! Really, really, really incredible....Holy shit! HOLY SHHHITTT!!!!!!!" "What do you see?" "Oh my god, oh my god, I see thousands and hunderds of thousands of little light all apart, all together. Separate, whole. Close, near. Holy shit, holy shit!!!!!! Its incredible you should see this. Hahhhhhhhahahaha!!!!! Holy shit, holy shit!!!!! Everything is apart of eachother. A humungess mass of lights. WOOOOWW!!!!
"John, come back."
"No." "John, you've got to come back." "No I don't" "John.Give me one good reason why I ought to come back?"
It took Lloyd along time to come up answer and if he didn't I promise you I would not have come back.
....You've got more work to do."
"Why did you have to go and say that? If you had said anything else, I could have argued with you. Why that?"
"I'm coming."
"....We're are you now?"
"Its hard." "John?..." "I'm coming but its hard." "...Are you out of the light?" "I'm out of the light." "Are you at the bridge?" "I'm at the bridge." "Are you across the bridge?" "I'm across the bridge." "Are you in the misty place?" "I'm in the misty place." "Are you back?" "I'm back." "Are you hear?" "I'm hear." "John, are you with us?" "I'm with you."
"Are you Home?"
"Yes I am Home." (c)